The entrepreneurial development of LANZI S.r.l. is projected towards sustainable success, that is, towards the creation of long-term value for the benefit of all stakeholders (shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, etc.).
For this reason, LANZI S.r.l. has voluntarily decided to report the actions and results of its corporate sustainability to communicate to stakeholders the commitment undertaken by the Board of Directors to continuously improve the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the Company.
Starting from 2026, Corporate Sustainability Reporting (CSRD) will also be mandatory for SMEs, representing 99%
of the companies in the European Union.
At the basis of the desire to extend non-financial reporting also to small and medium-sized enterprises, there is the growing awareness that achieving success in international markets does not stop at achieving good performance in terms of profit, but also by fulfilling commitments of a social nature.
This is what is defined as ESG Responsibility: the set of initiatives implemented so as to be on the front line in tackling issues of environmental, ethical and social impact and to incorporate them into business goals.
For these reasons, in a period of significant economic, technological and social changes, LANZI Group has decided to continue its path of entrepreneurial development towards sustainable success by publishing its first Non-Financial Statement
For the drafting of the NFS, and in consideration of the transparency with which LANZI wants to interact with its stakeholders, specific procedures were formalised that define roles, responsibilities, activities, controls and information flows relating to the procedure for reporting non-financial data. Since LANZI guarantees objective traceability of the activities, data and information that contributed to drafting this document, it used these procedures as operational guidelines.
The first non-financial report was prepared for the 2022 financial year and was documented in accordance with the material topics identified by Legislative Decree 254/2016 (implementation of Directive 2014/95/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014, amending Directive 2013/34/EU regarding the communication of non-financial information) and in reference to the reporting principles of the GRI Standards.
Based on these material issues which involved all the stakeholders, a representation of the Materiality matrix was foreseen and, therefore, impacts were identified, taking into consideration both those generated by LANZI S.r.l. and by its chain on the value of the environment and society and those having repercussions on the performance, development and positioning of the Company itself.
The qualitative and quantitative results were formalised in the Non-Financial Statement that you can consult by writing to:
After defining the material issues, the LANZI Board of Directors identified all the stakeholders connected to it by identifying rights, duties, expectations and needs with particular attention to those of the key stakeholders, identified by means of a quantitative assessment of their level of priority with respect to the company strategy. This analysis identified the following key stakeholders: