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Trade shows and events 2022, still the best way to stay in touch

January 2023

2022 saw LANZI participate in six trade shows and two B2B events, both national and international, where the company showcased new products with the official launch of a new line of automatic dispensers and the services for the FIT TEST, a procedure that became mandatory with the regulatory changes introduced at the beginning of the year.

LANZI believes that human contact is what best gets across its value system, its expertise and innovative solutions.

Such aspects are part of the company's everyday life, with a lively H2H approach among collaborators, as well as outside the company, on every occasion of interaction and communication with stakeholders and, more generally, with all the people and realities one has the pleasure of contacting at events, meetings and trade fairs.

The pleasure of a handshake

In recent years, the use of remote communication systems has become increasingly popular, and such tools have also been adopted by the Lanzi Group.

However, as soon as it was possible, an immediate attempt was made to rediscover the “pleasure of the handshake”, to finally look into each other's eyes, perhaps giving even wider and greater significance to the opportunity to display and offer one’s solutions in person.

There was therefore no delay in renewing interest in and appreciation for all those national and international trade fair opportunities that had given so much satisfaction to the company in previous years, bringing to the forefront LANZI’s new own brand products and spreading the importance of Safety at Work with new momentum. 


As can be imagined, Trade Show activities got underway at once, with much trepidation and expectation, opening the season immediately with two events, held almost simultaneously.

On 5 and 6 April 2022, Lanzi Group was present at the IABM International Automotive Business Meeting in Sosnowiec (Poland), in collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Poland (CCIIP). 

This B2B event offered a valuable opportunity to showcase the company's know-how and expertise in two very important areas: safety at work and Safety Systems Industrial Vending automated dispensing solutions.

From 6 to 8 April 2022, the Lanzi Group stand was present at the A&T Automation and Testing trade fair held at the Oval Lingotto in Turin, where the innovative quality and smart technology of the Safety Systems Smart Tracking  ARGO SMART machines made a strong impression.

The event also featured an original play path at the entrance which made available to all trade fair participants a free gadget they could withdraw directly from the ARGO DA PRO-XL machine by Safety Systems Industrial Vending. 

The last event attended in April, from the 25th to the 27th, was the SAWO fair in Poland.

The biennial event had been postponed four times and there was great anticipation and excitement at its reopening, it being one of the most important trade fairs in the occupational safety sector on the Polish market (and beyond).

From 17 to 19 May, the Lanzi Group had a stand at the Préventica show in Nantes, where it displayed the new ARGO LINK automated distribution line, also from Safety systems Industrial Vending.

At this trade fair, it was also possible to touch and feel the ISO-SKIN and GDY Special Selection gloves from Safety Systems Hand Protection.

The Préventica trade show was held again in September, from the 27th to the 29th, in Lyon this time, and on this occasion the spotlight was focused on the Group’s new Italian and foreign partners with the presentation of the RETAIL pack for RETAILERS project. 

The last trade fair before the summer break was the well-known MECSPE (Bologna, 9-11 June).

This trade fair is not specific to the field of safety at work, but it remains a point of confluence and interest for many manufacturing companies sensitive to the issue of worker protection.

The presence of the Lanzi Group focused primarily on the new ARGO LINK line; in particular, the new ARGO KPM LINK dispenser developed in collaboration with the Brady Company.

This dispenser has been specially designed for the management of LOTO (Lockout/Tagout) safety procedures, a unique product on the market.

As at other trade fairs, on this occasion visitors were able to try out Comau's exoskeleton. 

SAFETY EXPO in Bergamo (21-22 September), Italy's most important trade fair in the field of safety at work.

All the most important PPE manufacturers attended this event, where the Lanzi Group showcased the new ARGO LINK line and Comau's exoskeleton. Special attention was also devoted to the regulatory changes concerning the FIT TEST.

In October, the Lanzi Group had the pleasure of taking part in the CONNEXT Torino Business Meeting, at Lingotto Fiere in Turin (20 October).

This event - usually organised with the collaboration of the Employers’ Association of Turin – enables Lanzi to get in touch with numerous companies, giving rise to interesting product development collaborations.

Last, but no less important than the earlier events, was the first meeting of iSeminari con Lanzi (the Workshops with Lanzi), held in Naples on 18 November in collaboration with Solve Consulting. 

This project will be proposed again in 2023, with new dates and venues in different Italian cities, to present the Lanzi Group's solutions and spread safety awareness and safety culture, through coordinated initiatives with consulting and training companies in Italy.

Lanzi Group is waiting for you!

2022 was a rich, intense and fruitful year; the participation of the public at large and companies was lively, showing great interest and confirming that participating in events and trade shows (both national and international) is still an indispensable asset for the world of safety at work and PPE.

From this standpoint, the year 2023 can only continue, with undiminished enthusiasm and energy, the intense and exciting journey that has just ended.